Get to know some ReproZip use cases!
This site holds some examples and use cases from different domains that showcase ReproZip, an open source tool that enables full computational reproducibility and preservation! You’ll find more information about each particular example in its associated README when you click the "REPRODUCE THIS" button below. Instructions for reproducing the examples use the vagrant and the docker unpackers. However, any of the available unpackers can be used.

Bash Count
This is a very simple example where a bash script is used to count the number of pages of an input file.
Bechdel Test Analysis
This example replicates findings from an article in FiveThirtyEight that examines gender bias in the movie business using the Bechdel test.
Brain Segmentation
A Python script that extracts brain information and mask from an input b0 image using dipy, a diffusion imaging analysis package.
BusVis: Visualization of the Konstanz Bus Transportation System
BusVis shows the fastest time and path between two bus stops in the city of Konstanz, which updates in real-time.
Creating and Testing a SVM Classifier
A supervised learning and classification experiment that creates and tests a SVM classifier for the digits dataset using scikit-learn.
Critical Temp for the Ising Model
This experiment is a typical simulation in statistical physics, consisting of large scale Monte Carlo simulations followed by an involved statistical analysis of the results.
Data Polygamy
A paper published at SIGMOD 2016 whose plots were made reproducible using ReproZip.
Django Blog
A simple website built with Django that displays a list of blog posts and allows the admin to edit or post. Despite its simplicity, it represents a realistic small web application using a database (SQLite3).
Irish National School System Plots
This example is from Nick Wolf's National School System and the Irish Language Heaney Lecture 2015, where publication-ready graphs and materials are generated from tabular data using R.
MongoDB-VLS is an implementation of VLS in MongoDB. This paper from ICDE 2016 shows it enables consistent analytics without blocking incoming updates in NoSQL.
Multiple Object Tracking (MOT)
The main goal of this experiment is to track the movement of multiple objects from an input video based on users' input.
Predicting the Values of Hand-Written Digits
This example creates a SVM classifier for the digits dataset using scikit-learn, and predicts the values of hand-written digits of an input image.
A website designed to help you find the tool that best matches your reproducibility needs. Built with Django CMS and Apache Solr for search.
Stacked Up
A website called Stacked Up, also built with Django, to explore the textbook inventory of Philadelphia public schools. All the data is stored in a PostgreSQL database.